Editorial Team
Prof. Dr. Ligeng Jiang
College of Agriculture, Guangxi University Nanning, China.
Expertise: Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Crop Growth Modelling, Soil Fertility, Fertilizers Management, Nutrition,
Email: jiang(at)gxu.edu.cn. ResearchGate. Scopus Profile
Dr. Izhar Ali
State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture & College of Environmental and Resources Science, Zhejiang A&F University, Hangzhou 311300, Zhejiang, China.
Expertise: Plant-microbe Interaction, Greenhouse Gases, Crop Physiology, Fertilizer Use Efficiency, Stress Physiology
Email: izharali48(at)gmail.com. ResearchGate. Scopus Profile. Google Scholar
Dr. Saif Ullah
College of Forestry, Guangxi University Nanning, China.
Expertise: Agroforestry, Plant Physiology, Plant-Soil Interactions, Plant Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Fertilizers, Nutrient Management, Soil And Water Conservation, Nutrient Cycling
Email: saif(at)gxu.edu.cn. ResearchGate. Scopus Profile. Google Scholar
Managing Editor(s)
Dr. Shah Fahad (Assistant Professor), Department of Agronomy, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 23200, Pakistan.
Expertise: Plant nutrition; plant environmental stress; sustainable agriculture; weed science; climate change and agriculture; abiotic stress tolerance; soil carbon; heavy metals; phytoremediation; plant-soil interactions.
shahfahad(at)awkum.edu.pk . Scopus Profile,
Dr. Niyaz Ali
Guangxi Baise National Agriculture Science and Technology Park Guangxi China.
Expertise: Soil Microbiology, Plant virology, Integrons, Antimicrobial Resistance, Gene Cassettes. etc,
niyazali200(at)gmail.com. ResearchGate . Scopus Profile,
Editorial Advisory Board
- Aziz Khan.College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China. Expertise: Crop physiology; environmental pollution; Production and molecular breeding; Phytohormones; Crop Management; Sustainable; Breeding; Soil Fertility. Google Scholar, Scopus Profile
- Nazir Ahmad, College of Agriculture; Food and Natural Resources; University of Missouri, United States. Expertise: plant breeding and genetics; molecular breeding; mutation breeding; tissue culture; cytogenetics and biotechnology; abiotic stress (NP); Root System architecture. Scopus Profile, Google Scholar, Email.
- Babar Iqbal (Associate Professor). School of Environment and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, PR China. Expertise: Crop ecology; plant nutrition; plant physiology; Invasive alien plant microplastics. Email, Google Scholar, Scopus Profile,ORCID
- Arshad Jalal, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 23955, Saudi Arabia. Expertise: Plant nutrition; biofortification; biostimulants; plant physiology; sustainability. Scopus Profile, Email, Google Scholar
- Anas Iqbal,South China Agricultural University, Guangdong. China. Expertise: Organic farming; greenhouse gas emissions; rice physiology; rice quality; heavy metals; roots; nitrogen. Email, Scopus Profile, Google Scholar,
Editorial Board members
- Muhammad Nauman Khan. School of Breeding and Multiplication (Sanya Institute of Breeding and Multiplication), Hainan University, Sanya, 572025, China. Profile. Expertise: Agronomy; seed priming; nano priming; seed technology; seed physiology; seed germination. Scopus Profile, Google Scholar.Email.
- Gabriela Medeiros(Professor). Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paranádisable,Cascavel, Brazil. Expertise: Plant environments, bioindicators, abiotic stress, Nutrient management, microbiome. Scopus Profile, ORCID, Email(1)/(2),
- Dr Imran. South China Agriculture University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Expertise: Soil and plant nutrition; carbon; farming; climate change management; food security; sustainable agriculture; biofertilizers; soil and water conservation; agro-biodiversity; phosphorus. Scopus Profile, Google Scholar, Email.
- Dr. Nabil Ibrahim Elsheery,Agriculture Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture Tanta University, Egypt. Expertise: Stress physiology; photosynthesis; plant biotechnology; antioxidants; salinity. Scopus, Google Scholar.Email.
- Rafiq Ahmad. Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Northwest A & F University, China. Expertise: Fertilizer management, soil aggregates, soil erosion, heavy metals, biochar, nitrogen. Email:
- Dr. Muneeb Ahmad Wani. Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences (SHUATS), Allahabad, India. Expertise:Horticulture; floriculture; land-scaping; protected cultivation; plant physiology.Google Scholar, Scopus Profile
- Quan Zhao,Institute of Subtropical Crops of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou, China. Expertise: Citrus plants; mix plantation; legume grasses. Scopus, ResearshGate,
- Shakeel Ahmad, Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Tillage, Agricultural College of Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China. Expertise: Abiotic stress tolerance; agronomy; drought maize; chlorophyll; photosynthesis; reactive oxygen species. Google Scholar.
- Dr. Muhammad Rafiullah Khan (Assistant Professor), Department of Food Engineering, Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Khanpur Road, Mang, Haripur, Pakistan. Email, Google Scholar
- Dr. Fazal Munsif (Assistant Professor), The University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan. Expertise: Sustainable Agriculture, Plant Nutrition, Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Plant Physiology, Field Experimentation, Organic Farming, Climate Change and Agriculture Conservation, Nutrient Management, Weed Scienc .Scopus Profile, Google Scholar
- Saqib Farooq (Research Fellow), College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China. Expertise: Molecularly imprinted polymers; pesticides detection; HPLC analysis; liquid chromatography; food quality and safety. Email, ResearchGate
- Quaid Hussain (Ph.D. in Crop Genetics and Breeding), College of Forestry and Biotechnology, Zhejiang A&F University. Zhejiang, China. Expertise: Crop breeding; crop biotechnology; molecular plant breeding; CRISPR/CAS9; gene cloning; transcriptomic analysis; genome-wide association studies; abiotic stresses; heavy metals. Google Scholar. Scopus Profile.
- Qaisar Khan, Agriculture College, Guangxi University Nanning, China. Expertise:Marker-assisted selection; plant biotechnology; transcriptomics; plant breeding; proteomics; plant pathology; polymerase chain reaction; metabolomics; plant physiology; plant-soil interactions; plant phylogenetics. ResearchGate.Scopus Profile.
- Neelesh Kumar(Assistant Professor), Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Expertise: Medicinal plants, biofertilizers, fish emulsion fertilizer.Pantnagar, Uttarakhand-263145 India. Scopus Profile, Google Scholar, ORCID, Email (1)/(2).
- Dr. Saqib Huuain Bangash. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Agric - Environment and Agric -Product Safety, College of Agriculture, Department of Crop Environment and Ecology, Guangxi University, Nanning, China. Google Scholar; Email: Saqibbangash169@gmail.com